case studies

Case studies



Since codal life of majority of TRD assets is 40 years but complete rehabilitation could not be done even after 60 years of services due to quantum of work and scarcity of blocks due to heavy rise in train density after passage of time.
This situation may lead to quantum jump in failures and unmanageable situation if phasewise replacement could not done time to time.
OHE SCANNING is an exercise having practiced by undersigned to overcome such situations and withstanding the Traction Distribution system for further 15-20 years ie till such time all these assets are replaced with ZERO FAILURE track record.
This exercise is mainly prioritising the various failure prone assets replacement and replacement of identified components in the traction distribution system firstly rather than to wait for complete replacement.
Apart from that identification of such components is a rigorous drive in which each and every components have opened and giving more emphasis the components having chances of fatigueness in form of cracks, worn out, melting and similar others.
This complete exercise resulted further withstanding the assets for next 10-12 years in service till all components replacement comleted.
The summary of various defects and deficiencies identified is hereby presented below for better appraisal however various defects identification having various it’s own unsung stories and will be added in form of case studies.